International – Medical devices 2030 : Making a power play to avoid the commodity trap

While the outlook for medical device companies appears positive, unsustainable healthcare costs and new competitive forces threaten to alter the future industry landscape. If today’s manufacturers fail to stake their claim in the evolving value chain, they risk being caught in the middle and becoming commoditized. Staying ahead means offering value beyond the device and solving healthcare’s problems – rather than contributing to them.

The days of simply manufacturing a device, and selling it to healthcare providers via distributors, have long vanished. Value is the new byword for success, prevention the preferred clinical outcome, and intelligence the new competitive advantage. In this paper we discuss the pathway to success in 2030 for medical device companies, following a three-pronged strategy:


Medical device manufacturers should take a closer look at their existing organizations and reinvent their traditional business and operating models to adapt to the future, by:– – integrating intelligence into their portfolios and offerings, to positively influence the care journey and connectwith customers, patients and consumers

– delivering services beyond the device, and intelligence beyond these services – a true shift from cost to smart value

– investing in enabling technology – making the right
choices to support a wide range of parallel business models tailored by segment to customers, patients and consumers (prospective patients) – and, ultimately, the financial ambition for the organization…